Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Holiday Prep: Getting body beautiful

I think we'd all be lying if we said that we were ready for the beach all year round. I've been prepping myself for the last week or so to make sure every inch of me is holiday ready! 

So first things first...

1. Prepare your skin : This should start a couple of weeks before you jet off on holiday. The last thing you want is to be stepping onto the beach with dry, flaky skin. Taking care of your skin is so so important all year round but especially if your heading to sunnier climates. I have been regularly exfoliating in the shower maybe 4/5 times a week and moisturising every day. This will serve you well if you want a good tan that will last! 
I have been using Soap & Glory Sugar Crush Body ScrubPalmers Coco Butter and Peppermint Foot Rescue cream from The Body Shop. I can't recommend these products enough and love them all equally!

2. Spray tan : This one is totally optional and not something I have done before going on holiday but I feel much more sun conscious than ever before after reading a few scary facts about sun damage. I'm not saying I'll be sat in the shade for the rest of my life but I have never been a sun worshipper (which I hope will pay off when I'm way into my 40's!) Its possible to enjoy the sun, as long as you protect yourself from the damage it CAN cause. Having sun kissed sun isn't a crime and some people obviously tan better than others. I have to lay in the sun for hours on end to get even a hint of colour so for me its better to be safe than sorry.

3. Mani/Pedi : I haven't had the time to book this in before I go but making sure your nails are in tip top condition for holiday is a must in my eyes. I can be terrible at keeping my nails neat and it drives me crazy when I let most of my nail polish chip off as I think it just looks awful! If I had my way I would have gotten a gel polish so it would stay put the whole time. Bright fun colours are perfect for holiday so will be sure to take a few with me!

4. De-fuzz : Lets get real. We are all the same when it comes to unwanted body hair! Hands up if you wish you were bald from the neck down? haha. Although unpleasant and painful, book yourself in to visit someone who knows what they're doing with hot wax. And about those eyebrows... get them threaded and tinted before hand so you don't need to worry about makeup. I only recently started this and will never ever go back to plucking them myself. So much better!!

5. Hair : Speaking of hair... Its a good idea to visit the hairdressers to give your hair a little boost before you go. If your lucky enough to have gorgeous natural hair and it doesn't need colouring, its still wise to get a trim and a good conditioning treatment. I had my appointment booked weeks in advance but had to pull the plug a few days ago as I have way too much going on at uni to justify spending 2/3 hours getting my hair done (Is this what it feels like to be a grown up?!) I'll be sure to get it down as soon as I get back though!

And there you have it! If you are one of those people who don't need a beauty routine because you roll out of bed looking like a goddess then this post probably isn't for you! (lucky things!!)

Hope everyone is having a good week so far! 

SLC xxx

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