Friday, 26 February 2016

Bump update : 20 weeks!

As of today I am now actually 21 weeks but I forgot all about this post last week so I'm playing catch up. I don't plan on doing this every week but I thought it was a cute way to document the bump on my blog! Since finding out I'm pregnant, I have been keeping notes on my phone to keep track of how I'm feeling and what I'm experiencing week by week, but I'll spare you the details hidden deep within my iPhone notes and just give you the good stuff! Ha...

Oh and don't mind me telling Rocco off in the pictures above- He can be a naughty little pup when the attention isn't on him!!

How far along // 20 weeks
Size of baby // According to my app, a mango!
Maternity clothes // Only jeans at the minute as the buttons on my regular ones were literally about to pop!
Stretch marks // So far, no but I'm anticipating them! I've been using bio oil and other moisturisers everyday (sometimes more than once a day as I've had really itchy skin around my tummy and lower back and rubbing cream in seems to be the only thing that soothes my skin. Anyone else exerpeince this?) 
Movement // I can feel tiny little flutters all through out the day, especially at night but they're not strong enough for Josh to feel yet. I can't wait to feel proper kicks, although I'm sure thats the naivety of being a first time mum and will soon regret that once I feel like I'm being bruised from the inside out!
Sleep // I am luuuuuuving my sleep atm. I can fall asleep at anytime, anywhere. Waking up around 9.30am each morning feeling well rested!
Food Cravings // Nothing in particular but I have noticed my appetite increase quite drastically (helloooo weight gain!) I did have a "thing" for Oreo milkshakes and had one almost every night last week. I even almost cried whilst out shopping with Josh one night as we ordered one and then realised they used soft scoop ice cream so decided not to have it (maybe over cautious but I'm Mrs Paranoid lately) Seriously had tears in my eyes as he supped away happily. Practically crying over milkshake? A new low for me! I'm blaming the hormones...
Sickness // THANKFULLY my nausea took a hike a few weeks ago but I still get a bit queezy when I feed the puppy because the smell of his food brings back memories from those early morning sickness days. I'd have to run to the bathroom every time I had to feed him so I still have to hold my breath. Dog food is enough to make anyone barf though!
Gender // All will be revealed soon!!


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