Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Christmas card pictures

Scarletts outfit: Gillet (similar) // Dress // Boots
Indies outfit: Fur Jacket // Shoes // Hat

I'm so excited that Christmas is almost here. I know its not December until tomorrow but I wanted to share a few of the pictures from our Christmas card shoot with you. We have done these pictures for a few years now and I love that we'll be able to look back at them in the future. Its definitely a tradition that we'll be keeping!

We put our tree up this week and I feel as though its completely changed the atmosphere in the house almost instantly. We've never put it up in November before and Josh took A LOT of convincing but we figured that with all the bad stories you hear going on around the world every day, it wouldn't hurt to make the best season of the year last a little longer. And with it being Indies first Christmas I definitely want to drag it out for as long as possible too!

Happy hump day everyone! I'm counting down the days until the weekend because my mum is coming to stay with us to start Christmas shopping! I wanted to be really organised this year but haven't bought a single thing as of yet, so I'm excited for a long girls weekend full of shopping!

And just before I wrap this up, I just want to say thank you to all those who showed their support on my first video that I uploaded last week. I was really nervous to put myself out there but the response was amazing and I'm excited to share a little more of our lives with you all. If you haven't already watched it, you can do so by clicking HERE.


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