Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Indie is ONE

Our beautiful baby daughter turns one today and I have so many emotions about it. Most of them feel like the purest kind of happiness you can imagine, but I also feel an inner sadness that makes her birthday bittersweet for me.So many people told me how quickly the first year would pass. "Babies don't keep" I heard over and over, but I never gave it a thought to how true that phrase is.

It honestly seems like yesterday that I was in labour, breathing through the pain telling myself that each contraction gone was one closer to finally holding her. She was worth every second of pain and I'd go through it a million times to experience that feeling of meeting her again for the first time.

Becoming a mother was always my highest priority in life and I waited what felt like forever to finally earn that title. We prayed and prayed for a baby, and when it didn't come it felt like maybe my path was going to turn out different to what I had always imagined. When we finally learned she was on her way, I felt completed in a way that was so surreal but so very innate.

This past year has changed who I am forever. It has been the hardest year of my life but everyday has been so, so cherished. Even the ones that have left me feeling like a complete failure. Filling my days with Indie has blessed me beyond measure and brought a light to our lives that we truly thank God for every single night before we go to sleep. Babies are straight from heaven and having her around is like having something sacred with us. She is a perfect bundle of joy and always has been since the beginning.

The wait for her has been compensated a million times over and I feel truly lucky that she chose me to be her mother before she came. Thanks baby girl for the best year of my life. I have found myself in you and you have completed me in a way that I can't put into words. Your little life has become the best part of mine and your birthday will always be my favourite day of the year.

We love you more than you'll ever know Indie Girl. Happy first birthday x


  1. Oh my dear, this is such a beautiful post. I completely agree with you on how becoming a mother turns you into a different person. Babies are truly blessings from Heaven! ✨
    Wish your baby girl the best Birthday & all the happiness in the world.
    My daughter will be one on Saturday, so I know exactly what you are saying.xxx

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