Thursday, 12 November 2015


If you haven't heard of Adanola (AD-A-NO-LA) by now then you must live under a rock. I have been waiting what seems a lifetime for this brand to launch and it finally has *cue the angels singing*

 If i am being completely honest, I haven't been very happy with my body these last couple of months, mainly because I have been eating what i want, when i want and its started to show. Whenever I've mentioned this to people I get the "oh stop.... your so skinny" followed by an eye roll, which I'm sure comes from a loving place, but to me those are empty words that mean nothing. I don't feel flattered or take it as a compliment because of how I feel within my own skin.

Let me go off track for a second... Body imagine is something personal to each individual, with everyone having different ideals and goals. I believe that everyone (especially women) should feel strong and powerful in their bodies, not stuck and unhappy. Trust me when i say that i KNOW there is more to a person that how they look, but when people start to feel down because of how they look and feel within themselves, then something needs to change. When I compare how active and healthy I used to be only a few short months ago to how I am now, its like I am a different person. I have never felt as happy and content within myself as I did back in the summer when I was taking care of myself. And I truly believe its no coincidence that it happened to be when I was making good choices. Believe me... When you take care of your body on the outside by eating right and staying active, your mind, body and soul will reap the rewards. It is SO worth it. And make sure you do it properly by feeding and nourishing your body. Make better choices because you LOVE yourself, don't punishing your body because you HATE yourself. It will take time but its so worth it. 

So I guess you could say I was in dire need of a massive kick start to get myself going again and what better was to make us ladies feel better than new clothes ;) When I first tried a few of the pieces on, my first initial thought was "I need to get back to the gym asap". I had missed wearing gym clothes and everything fit like a glove. My favourites are the grey marl leggings (which feel like they really suck you in, not to mention the mesh detail down the sides which I LOVE) and the bras. I have never worn such comfortable sports bra ever and the backs? Can we just take a minute to admire the back of these bras? Amazing.

So if your'e like me and in need of some motivation to get you back to the gym, do yourself a favour and order something. Not only will you look smokin' but you'll feel great too! Annnnd... they're offering any of you who would like to order a discount, which will give you 15% off your order when you use the code "SHARE15". You are welcome!

Cant wait to see you all in your Adanola stuff! Lets do this together and make the last 2 months of 2015 count!


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